Our Philosophy: One-on-One Management and Attention to Detail

At Synoptic Management we pride ourselves on providing one-on-one service to our clientele. The property manager assigned to a building develops a relationship based on respect and regular communication with the main stakeholders of that property—the Board, the Super and staff and the residents.

  • Supervision of building staff and daily building maintenance.
  • Proactive planning for building inspections—NYFD, EPA, DOB, Local Laws—from roof to basement.
  • Synoptic’s manager(s) regular inspections of physical property interior and exterior and quarterly assessment reports.
  • Courteous and effective response to all shareholders /residents.

Synoptic’s personalized approach to management and our attention to detail is based on a direct channel of communication and assurance of continuity between you and your property manager.

We invite you to call us at (212) 362-5679 so that we can go over your needs and see how we can assist you.

Each one of our property management projects is carefully reviewed so that we may bring the highest quality results to our tenants and clients.
